Why Believe the Bible
Could men have written the Bible without God? It predicted that the popular gods like Baal and Zeus would be abandoned, and the God of Abraham would be worshiped worldwide. This came true hundreds of years later! The Bible also foretold that the Jews would be uprooted from Israel and scattered worldwide, only to be restored as a nation thousands of years later -- proving the Bible is inspired by God. Read more . . .
THE ORIGINAL BIBLE for Modern Readers
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Visit tobBIBLE.com
Did God Send the Coronavirus COVID-19?
Did God Send the Coronavirus COVID-19?
paperback book, Kindle book, and free PDF to download the complete book at no cost
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Did God Send the Coronavirus COVID-19? We read at 1 Chronicles 21:14 that
"the Lord sent an epidemic on the people of Israel, and seventy thousand of them died." Does God do things like that today? Why? Or, why not? What does the Bible say? What does it mean to us?
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Messiah Is Coming
The Hebrew prophets foretold a coming Messiah who would heal the sick, raise the dead, and someday replace all of our corrupt governments with the Kingdom of God.
The New Testament (written by Jews!) records the fulfillment of each one of those Old Testament prophecies, and fills in the details of the prophecies that are unfolding in our day and will soon reach their climax. Read more . . .
Parallel Gospels in Harmony
- with Study Guide
A disciple in the garden of Gethsemane cuts off the ear of the high priest's servant according to all four Gospels. But only John tells us the servant’s name, and that it was Peter who wielded the sword. And only Luke tells us that Jesus healed the wound. Here you see all of this at a glance. Read and study the four Gospels in parallel columns with corresponding passages side by side in modern English. Visit ParallelGospels.NET
Doorstep Bible - Answering Mormons & Jehovah's Witnesses
Footnotes in this modern language Bible equip you to respond to visitors at your door, and refute their misuse of Scripture. Download this entire footnoted Bible as a free PDF file. Also available as a hardcover book with removable dust jacket, as a paperback book, and in a 'stealth' paperback edition with 'Holy Bible' on a plain black cover -- for use during actual doorstep encounters. Visit DoorstepBible.com
Why Read the Bible
"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. It is God's way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do." (2 Timothy 3:16-17) You get the full flavor of the written Word of God only when you read it in its own context. Read more . . .
The Beasts of Revelation
Like the 'beasts' or animals of Daniel, chapter 7, the 'beasts' or animals in the Revelation (Apocalypse) represent human governments, from ancient Egypt to the present day. In modern times the United Nations organization is a miniature 'image' of the world's governments -- an 'image' that speaks and exercises power itself. Read more . . .
Come, follow Jesus! -- the real Jesus
Online edition of the book by David A. Reed.
The Gospel in simple terms for nonbelievers and new believers.
How to become a follower of Jesus Christ, and live as Christ commanded.
An introduction to biblical Christianity that doesn't whitewash the churches or pull punches.
Visit ComeFollowJesus.NET
United Nations vs Israel - and the End of the World
Several ancient Bible prophecies about Israel and Jerusalem have already come true in recent decades, including the foretold restoration of the Jewish state and Jewish control over Jerusalem. The remaining prophecies point to an international confrontation over Jerusalem that will lead to the battle of Armageddon, the return of Christ, and the end of the world. Visit UNvsIL.com
Prophecy Timeline
How was Bible prophecy fulfilled by the Holocaust, by the restoration of Israel to the Promised Land, and by the end of Gentile control over Jerusalem? How did the First and Second World Wars play a part? What is coming next? Read more . . .
The Great Tribulation
Daniel saw visions of "the distant future" (Dan. 8:26), "what will happen to your people [the Jews] in the future" (Dan. 10:14), including "a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then" from which "your people...will be delivered." (Dan 12:1) Jesus referred to "'the abomination that causes desolation,' spoken of through the prophet Daniel" (Matt. 24:15) followed by "great tribulation" (Matt. 24:21) or "great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people [the Jews]" (Luke 21:23). Read more . . .
Christians, repent!
Christians, repent! ...for preaching a different gospel, ignoring the written Word of God, neglecting the poor, favoring the rich, failing to watch for Christ's return, claiming Jesus as Savior while failing to obey Him as Lord, practicing racial prejudice, polluting the churches with the leaven of Herod through political alliances, oppressing women, neglecting children, winking at greed, sexual immorality, war, torture, homosexual practice, the leaven of the Pharisees and corruption. Read more . . .
Blue Helmets to Jerusalem
Prominent people on the world stage have called for United Nations peacekeeping forces to be sent to Jerusalem. Why is Jerusalem the center of attention for so much of the world? An ancient prophecy foretold a time when Jerusalem would be a problem for the whole world: "Jerusalem will be a heavy stone burdening the world . . . all the nations of the earth unite in an attempt to move her." - Zechariah 12:3 The Living Bible Read more . . .
Answer Jehovah's Witnesses
They knock on your door with a false gospel. Trained to twist the Scriptures and win arguments, they recruit your neighbors to join the Watchtower organization -- which they present as God's mouthpiece on earth. How can you answer them from the Bible? AnswerJW.com presents easy-to-use online resources as well as full-length books, including the online edition of How to Rescue Your Loved One from the Watchtower. Visit AnswerJW.com
The Bible foretold the Holocaust
Hitler's Third Reich murdered more than 6 million Jews. The prophet Daniel saw visions of "the distant future" (Dan. 8:26), "what will happen to your people [the Jews] in the future" (Dan. 10:14) ". . . another king will arise, more brutal . . . He will . . . wear down the saints [the Jews] with persecution . . . God's people will be helpless in his hands for three and a half years." (Dan. 7:24-26) Holocaust extermination camps became operational in Dec. 1941 and killed Jews through May 1945 - for three and a half years. Visit BibleForetoldHolocaust.com
LEFT BEHIND Answered Verse by Verse
Will unbelievers and half-hearted church-goers get a 7-year-long second chance after the rapture, as portrayed in the popular Left Behind novels? Not according to Luther, Calvin, and other respected Bible teachers. And, not according to the parables of Jesus. See how Luther, Calvin, Wesley, Knox, Tyndale, Spurgeon and others understood the Scripture verses the Left Behind novels re-interpret. Visit LeftBehindAnswered.com
1260 Days
The Tribulation, the Antichrist and End-Times Events in the light of
the Holocaust, the Restoration of Israel and the Rise of Radical Islam: Events of the past century put Bible prophecy in a new perspective. God's angel gives Daniel prophetic information about future events from the standpoint of "your people" (Dan. 9:24, 11:14, 12:1), the Jews. Daniel sees a glimpse of the end times, when the unprecedented Tribulation on the Jewish people climaxes in the Holocaust, but God begins to move for their deliverance. Read more . . .
Jerusalem Verses
Many blame worldwide terror on the situation in and around Jerusalem. Long ago the Bible foretold a time when 'Jerusalem will be a heavy stone burdening the world.'
What happens next? The prophecy says 'all the nations of the earth unite in an attempt' to impose their solution. (Zech 12:3 LB) With neither side willing to yield on the status of Jerusalem, Israeli-Palestinian talks have repeatedly broken down. Now, as terror grips the world and tensions rise between radical Muslims and the West, many point to the violence in and around Jerusalem as the root cause. Read more . . .
NeoHistoricism: Why Islamic Terror and Clergy Sex Abuse Wouldn't Surprise Luther, Calvin, Wycliffe, Knox, Wesley, Spurgeon or Jonathan Edwards
Historicism is the name of the traditional Christian understanding of Bible prophecy, the view held by the famous teachers down through the centuries. Most churches today have replaced it with 'preterism' or 'dispensationalism'--even though those views leave us unprepared to deal with today's problems. NeoHistoricism applies Luther and Calvin's methods to the modern world, with surprising results. Visit NeoHistoricism.com